So i believe my destiny in life is to make a difference. I know that it is one of the most incredibly cheesy lines you have probably heard repeatedly over from friends and in magazines and celebrities who talk through advisors, but it is true. I constantly see myself making a difference with the geography degree i intend to start and hopefully complete at uni next year.
One area i am desperate to make a difference in is fashion. I want men and women all around the world in fashion to realise that the industry is destroying the world. When i say the world i mean literally as in the environment and my Carbon Footprint as well as Humanitarian rights across the world, of the people sitting slaving away in thousands of factories in the developing world.
I just discovered this event on the Toms website. And if you have not heard of Toms, for every pair of awesome comfortable amazing shoes you buy, they send one pair to a child desperately in need. Incredible.
So they have a special charity day and event they have started called 'One Day Without Shoes' on April 10th. The point of which is that you spend all day wearing no shoes to make a statement, raise awareness and also make you realise how hard life is without a pair of shoes.
Check it out here
If you find the event toolkit page they provide downloads for stickers, stencils, t-shirts, posters, banners, street art, and hundreds of ideas!!
Here are some of the amazing products they sell , i basically just want them all!!
Just so you know i am a total maths geek and so these shoes are absolutely beyond and magnificently perfect for moi!!

Anyway go look and hunt because i can guarantee that once you have bought some you will not stop.
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