Well today i thought i would wear my long black knitted skirt which is very comfy and all. I ran around the house getting ready for college and then with about 2 minutes till the bus came i left the house running before realising it was raining and then later it started to snow. I mean really on the one day that i wear socks and not tights. How ridiculous. So by the time i had walked to school from the bus stop my ankles were orange with a numb sensation.
And sorry about the facial expression below i just had a very sudden urge to grrrrr at the camera!
These are my fantastic pink Underground creepers. They are fabulously comfortable and so awesomely original. I believe that everyone should have a pair. They have a 2 inch platform i believe. Not sure but when i don't wear them everyone comments on how short i seem to be suddenly.
So my sister-in-law has recently opened a beauty salon/parloury thing. She can pierced ears and all so she did my second set of piercings which i am very happy with, but they hurt a touch so i haven't put a first set in yet.
This is a close up of my top i was wearing today. The green woven one is from Primark and the yellow shirt from ASOS. Again making the strange face below is a apparently a favourite of mine. Sorry about the flushed pink face had just been working really intensely in my study. (Secretly i had been grooving to some funky tunes).

I also love to wear lots of necklaces at once, which the picture shows on the left. I would tell you where they are from but i cannot remember.
Above are my lovely painted nails which have chipped excessively quickly.
Collar Tips. Everybody needs a pair of collar tips. these are my incredible ones from ASOS. They have spiders on them and so everyone looks at me weirdly but they are amazing.
The camera photos i am not sure why i posted are just a bit cool i think. And the random one from above is of my slightly funky up do whilst i was doing geography revision. I have discovered that hair looks quite amazing in the dark taken with a flash.

I had to declare my undying love for Frozen Planet to you. I have it on DVD, i have the free poster and the calendar. basically i am mad about David Attenborough and he is my secret husband. Above i have a DIY necklace holder my Dad built for me. I bought some little birdy hooks and he nailed them to a painted block of wood. they are really rather exciting.
Also i think it is quite exciting i collect my train tickets and stick them to the inside of my wardrobe door. Do it and then look back through them all one day and you will remember all those trips you have been on. Anyone have any other fab ideas for exciting displays/posters on your walls?? Please share.
My eye make-up for the day was particularly simple and looked a touch like i have a black eye since i used purple eyeshadow, but thought it looked dark but in a bright way.
I like the shoes! And the eye shaddow actually matches them! lol
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