So i thought i would be a little crazy and start with my first layer of clothing. This is a really old dress i own from Primark but is comfy on those days when you just think...meh!!
These are my lovely tights i got for Christmas not sure where they are from and they have pretty pink flowers on. Honestly looked at them and thought...really florals but now i think yay...Florals!! I completely forgot to take a close up of them being the silly sausage that i am!!
This is my beautiful elephant necklace purchased for me by my bestest bud ever Poppy!! I believe it is from Mallorca. The paint splash jacket as you see below is from H&M and i love it!!

So this is my next layer with my H&M jacket, love it!! It has a waterfall front with a short back.
I thought that maybe i would take a close up of my face for a special treat whilst wearing my glasses which remind me so dearly of my late grandma Googie. You did read that correctly we used to call her Googie. I thought you should see my make-up, i love a big flick at the sides, but they are not too big today since i had so little time to get ready for school and keep it a secret but actually ended up doing my make-up using a little compact mirror, sat on the toilet.
The next layer is a green cardie which i inherited from my Granny. Love it, it is so big and cosy and comfy that you would have to tempt me with a very very large chocolate cake and i mean humungous chocolate cake to stop me wearing it.

This is a postcard i found in an Oxfam and love and have stuck up on my wall in my study. Reminds me everyday that you are even more amazing when you are just yourself.
I thought i would attempt to put a french plait into my exceptionally short bob and so far appears to have worked and as i currently type it has been in my hair for about two hours and is still looking pretty good. Only thing is i had to put two bright pink bobby pins in to keep it from sticking out to the side like some demented unicorn horn.
HAHA this is the moment when i was trying to take a photo with the timer and it dropped from my chest of drawers but took the photo as i realised and went into a state of shock.
The three layers together, sorry four if you include the dress. Love how they blend and clash, well not clash but don't really go together.
These are my beautiful necklaces the slightly dirty silver/grey one is the locket my Daddy gave me with a micture of my mama in it. And the one above was my Mama's and is the symbol/sign things for the Millenium. Under my dress i was also wearing a black and white stripe top. Was very chilly today as you may be able to tell.
Love your shoes :)
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