I just had to share with you my passion for studded clothing at the moment. I think it is turning into a strange obsession. I just simply cannot get enough of any clothing with some kind of stud forced into it. Don't even start me on a studded leather jacket, oh my that is just the pinnacle, but i just can't seem to find one and my leather jacket is just too expensive to do a bit of DIY. I think my sister, who bought it for my birthday one year, would actually go mental.
I am not sure, but this man appears seem to me to look a lot like Heath Ledger (poor soul) except i don't ever remember him having so many tattoos, probably a man that just looks very similar. Awesome picture anyway and where do i get a studded denim waistcoat like that? Someone put me out of my misery!?
I am just guessing but i think these are Jeffrey Campbell shooooes, which i absolutely love and will soon spend a small fortune on i am sure.
These are the most amazing Underground shoes produced so far but i haven't yet managed to find a place where they sell them which is driving me mad ince they are so unbelievably incredible i almost cried the first time i saw them!!
Now i have been inspired previously to use a spiked necklace/bracelet you get on a leather strap to DIY decorate a pair of amazing heels i have and these shoes with their spiked socks have just made me think YES i must do this. But i think i need to get my butt down to Camden Market to find the perfect spike jewellery to use, as it would be tragic to do it all and then get it all wrong. 
Now Lady Gaga is the Queen of studded clothing and i have found a million images of her wearing some incredible studded jackets, as in her Telephone Music Video. However this studded bra just shouted Studs and simplicity at me which i find so hard to imagine going together, and taught me that it is possible.
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